Turn Towards your pain
and love it.
Your conscious power manifests in a decision to turn towards, and tend to, your pain. You are your healer, your own alchemist, your true source of safety, love & validation.
When you decide to avoid, deny, suppress or judge your pain, you MISS AN OPPORTUNITY to apply the medicine right where it’s needed. (No worries, another opportunity will arise in no time.)
When you decide to turn toward, care for, understand, regard, validate & resource a painful experience (present or past) your subconscious body integrates what is un-resolved, dissolves it (think goo like a caterpillar) and transforms it (think butterfly) to make something entirely new.
A conscious decision is a turning point, a tenacious act of your will, which breaks the spell of helplessness, a distortion of epic proportions, resulting from the persistent, un-resourced pain of your past self.
Right there, where it hurts, is a portal to healing. Don’t let the old, familiar stories fool ya!
Turn toward yourself, provide care & unconditional regard.
but how?
Yes, that’s the question, isn’t it?
These are the practices and skills I facilitate via integrative hypnosis and somatic coaching. I am not your healer. You are. I am a resource for learning how to be your own healer, your own best friend, and your own magical alchemist. Your body learns, with my guidance at first, how to leave the past behind and bring forward the wisdom and resources you’ve earned having overcome difficulties in your life.
My clients typically work with me for 10 weeks, meeting for 60-90 min per week. I offer equity pricing as part of my commitment to community care, which includes me. $100-$200 / session, depending on one’s access to financial resources.